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young goodman brown pdfYoung Goodman Brown (pdf) is a short fiction was published in 1835 by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This story shows the dark side of the Puritan faith and the danger of failing to develop personal convictions. The story of Goodman Brown addresses these issues through the character’s journey from Salem into the nearby forest. Goodman Brown leaves his beloved wife, aptly named Faith, behind in order to venture through the woods in search of something undefined. The reason for Brown’s trip into the forest is not revealed to the reader. But what Brown finds is the devil himself. In their stroll through the dark woods, the devil pushes and pokes at Goodman Brown, forcing the young man to question his most deeply held beliefs and to view his supposedly perfect community in a new, more cynical light. As their journey reaches its conclusion, Goodman Brown comes to question what he once thought was true.

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